
Four inspiring women

Juliana arrived at the institute overloaded, with no prospects for the future for herself and her children, with two twins with health issues, in addition to being financially fragile. When asked what she did for herself, she couldn’t answer.

For two years, Cassia carried her daughter Cassidy in her arms, twice a week, from Osasco to São Paulo in search of BPC (Benefício de Prestação Continuada – a help given by the government to families in need) and a means of transport for her daughter, who has a stunting that impairs her eyesight. and locomotion.

Maria Aparecida dreamed of having a profession and really wanted to take a nail stretching course, but she didn’t have the financial means to do so.

Janaíra wanted a fairer and fuller life for Júlia, her daughter, who has Down syndrome (in the photo that illustrates this text), but she needed support and knowledge.

The mothers mentioned above are real, fighters and tireless people who arrived at Instituto C with something in common: an inner strength that needed to be explored and strengthened, in addition to a lack of knowledge of the rights they have as Brazilian citizens.

With more than 10 years of existence, this is what Instituto C does: it enables vulnerable families to change their lives, gain independence and plan a more structured future for their children. More than 2500 families have already had their lives transformed by the projects of Instituto C.

And what is the result of all this?

Juliana was empowered in the consultations, strengthening her self-esteem, became aware of rights in relation to education, shared responsibilities with family members and built paths to resume her dream of studying. Today, trained as a nursing assistant, she is already studying the technical course and does not want to stop there.

Cássia, on the other hand, not only won the BPC but, due to the engagement of the Institute’s employees and volunteers, won a light wheelchair  that allows her to use it on public transportation and Cassidy can leave her home more comfortably.

With the support of the productive inclusion area of Instituto C, Maria Aparecida got an opportunity to take a nail course at Instituto Embeleze and today she conquered the dreamed profession.

Janaíra, with the support of our psychologist and social worker, found the strength and the ways to access inclusion rights for her daughter and won the government supply of the medicines that Júlia needed so much.

These are just a few biographies that enrich and inspire the work of Instituto C every day. To support this work is to believe that everyone has the right to a chance for happiness and the achievement of a brighter future. And, above all, believe in the potential of families.