aniversário solidário
Solidarity Birthday

Transforming one special day into many special days!

Celebrating another year of life with friends and family is wonderful, isn’t it? What if you can use this special moment as a great opportunity to help those who need it most?

With Institute C you can do this in a very simple way. We have created an exclusive and personalized link for your birthday and you just have to ask your friends to donate to the projects of Institute C instead of bringing a gift. It is an action that, besides being an important source of revenue for IC’s social projects, is also a way to promote the culture of donation and solidarity among the guests of these celebrations.

It can be a financial donation or donation of products, which will be donated to the families assisted, and you can follow the entire result during and after the action.


Want to know more?

Send a message via WhatsApp +55 11 94581-9225 or fill out the form

    Other ways to donate

    One-Time or monthly financial support

    With your help, we bring more autonomy and quality of life to families in social vulnerability!

    Donation of products

    By donating products, you help families to get their emergency needs while they are being assisted by Institute C projects

    Cause related Marketing

    Your company supports the social cause of Institute C and everyone wins.

    Matching Donation

    You can double the amount of a donation and double the impact of your campaign!

    Income Tax Donation — Legal entity and Natural person

    Some of your income tax due can transform lives!

    Donation of credits from São Paulo’s fiscal Program

    Become an agent of social transformation, without spending a dime

    Solidarity Birthday

    Transforming one special day into many special days!