Marina Franco Mendonça
Graduated from the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP); Postgraduate student in Economic Criminal Law from the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences and the University of Coimbra; Member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences, the Institute for the Defense of the Right of Defense and the Institute of Lawyers of SP (IASP). She is a partner at Mendonça e Marujo Lawyers.

Fernanda Nardy
Vice President
Lawyer specialized in contracts. Graduated in Law in Brazil and the USA, she advocates providing support to clients in both jurisdictions. She has supported IC fundraising initiatives since 2011.

Francisco Deppermann Fortes
Board member, impact entrepreneur at 4you2 languages, coach and mentor, and former VP of People and Management at Gerdau.

Maure Pessanha
Social entrepreneur and executive director of Artemisia, with experience in the non-profit management sector. Business development professional graduated from the University of São Paulo and a Special Student at Harvard University in 2004. She writes weekly for the Estadão PME blog.

Morris Safdie
Graduated from FGV – São Paulo and Harvard Business School, he is a partner at Laeco Asset Management and is also part of the board of SOS Atlantic Rainforest.

Renata Cavalcanti Biselli
Administrator from PUC-SP with an MBA in Management and Social Entrepreneurship from FIA/USP and experience in the social area in organizations such as J.P. Morgan, ISMART, Comunitas, and Insper. Currently at Santander she is head of Social Impact, working with private social investment and equity funds (endowments). She is also a member of the Tellus Institute, Pró Saber SP, the Lucia and Pelerson Penido Foundation (FLUPP), the Paiol Grande Foundation and the Arte Despertar Association

Vasco Carvalho Oliveira Neto
With experience in the logistics, retail, agribusiness, and supply chain industries, he is founder and CEO of companies such as Niche Partners, NSTech, and SK Tarpon. Also, he is a business development professional graduated from FGV, USP, and Dom Cabral Foundation.

José Luiz Sá de Castro Lima
Member of the boards of the NGOs Institute C, Education Laboratory, and Food Bank. Advisor to the FHC Foundation and the Ruth Cardoso Center. Financial Director of MAM. Former financial market executive.

Kim Machlup
Founder of Baskets, member of the Board of CENPEC – Center for Studies and Research in Education, Culture and Community Action, she has a degree in management from FGV -SP and WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) and also in leadership for non-profit organizations from the University of Pennsylvania.

Maria Francisca dos Santos and Passos (Chica Passos)
Financial advisor to BTG Pactual Digital, she is the financial advisor at Pessoa Museum, at Ensina Brasil, and is one leader of the 60+ committee of the Women of Brazil group